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Apr 16th, 2024

Hire with Integrity

At, we understand the importance of conducting fair and reliable online interviews. That's why we've implemented a robust suite of anti-cheating measures to ensure the authenticity of your candidate assessments.
Yashasvi Chaudhary
Yashasvi Chaudhary,
Product Marketing Manager
Hire with Integrity
Hire with Integrity

Unbreakable Anti-Cheating Measures in

At, we understand the importance of conducting fair and reliable online interviews. That's why we've implemented a robust suite of anti-cheating measures to ensure the authenticity of your candidate assessments. Our one-way video interview process, powered by AI, is designed to eliminate the possibility of cheating and provides you with a clear picture of each candidate's skills and knowledge.

Here's how safeguards the integrity of your interviews :

Secure Interview Environment

Full-Screen Mode:

By default, our interviews open in full-screen mode and we encourage candidates to proceed with the interview in the same mode. This minimizes distractions and focuses their attention on the assessment.

Single Monitor:

The ability to use multiple monitors is disabled during the interview, preventing candidates from switching between screens to access unauthorized information.

Browser Lockdown:

Browser developer tools are disabled, restricting any attempts to manipulate the interview interface or code.

Proactive Tab and Window Monitoring

Tab Switching Detection: detects and reports if a candidate navigates from the interview tab to another browser window, preventing them from searching for answers online.

Window Switching Detection:

We monitor and report application switching, making sure candidates stay within the interview window and don't access any other external programs during the assessment.

Hire with Integrity

Text Manipulation Prevention

Copy-Paste Disabled (Long Answer):

For long answer questions, the ability to copy and paste text is disabled, ensuring candidates rely on their knowledge and analytical skills.

External Copy-Paste Detection (Coding):

During coding questions, detects attempts to copy and paste code from external sources, guaranteeing candidates write their code.

Comprehensive Screen Sharing Control

Entire Screen Sharing:

Candidates can only share their "Entire Screen," preventing them from showcasing a specific window or tab that might contain pre-written answers.

Screen Sharing Detection:

We monitor for attempts to stop screen sharing during the interview, ensuring the candidate's screen remains visible throughout the assessment.

Audio and Video Monitoring

Microphone and Camera Detection: detects if the candidate stops their camera or microphone during the interview, maintaining a clear audio-visual assessment record.

Robust Assessment Design

Session Recording:

The candidate's screen and video are recorded throughout the interview, providing a complete record of their actions for review.

Hidden Questions:

The interview questions are hidden from the candidate, reducing the chance of pre-preparation or answer sharing.

Randomized Questions:

Each candidate receives a different set of questions generated randomly by our AI, preventing any possibility of memorizing answers.

One Attempt Per Candidate: restricts candidates to a single attempt per email address, ensuring a fair and consistent evaluation process.

By implementing these comprehensive anti-cheating measures, empowers you to conduct reliable and unbiased interviews. Focus on evaluating a candidate's true potential and leave the integrity of the process to

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